What We Do

Since 2023, Recovery Café Greensboro has been serving the greater Greensboro community.

Our Mission

Recovery Café Greensboro helps their Members build on all four dimensions of recovery:

Community - RCG helps each Member stay connected to others in ways that allow the individual to both offer and receive support, friendship, love, and hope. Recent research illustrates the necessity of this work - loneliness is associated with a 26% increased likelihood of all-cause mortality (Holt-Lunstad et al., 2015).

Purpose - RCG calls each person to be their best self by helping to identify, develop, hone, and honor individual gifts. All Members commit to contributing to the Café community through service work; this practice helps Members rebuild self-esteem and provides a supportive space for learning and practicing basic vocational skills.

Health - RCG supports Members to overcome or manage their symptoms and make healthier choices for their physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.

Home - Though RCG does not focus on providing housing, we provide resource support and encourage self-advocacy. RCG promotes housing stability by strengthening problem solving and relationship skills that help Members resolve conflict that might otherwise result in eviction.

RCG offers free, low-barrier, trauma-informed, community-based services to diverse populations, including homeless and low/no-income individuals, people of color, veterans, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ people. Like other Recovery Community Centers (RCCs), RCG believes that there are many pathways to recovery, and celebrates those who have found a specific approach that works for them, as well those who are crafting their own path.

Program Components

  • Recovery Circles

    Recovery Circles are small loving support groups of 6-10 people that meet weekly for one hour to check-in, discuss the highs and lows of their recovery journeys, and share resources and feedback with each other. A critical aspect of our mission is to provide a space for Members to deeply connect and become known and loved.

  • School for Recovery and Activities

    Recovery Cafés offer classes aimed at improving communication skills, enhancing self-care, developing self-awareness, and providing new recreational/social options (e.g. yoga, art, music). Classes are taught by staff, volunteers, or Members who have demonstrated stability and skills that they wish to share with the community. Fun social/recreational events will be included to celebrate lives and milestones of members: birthday parties, holiday events, etc., which are additional opportunities to build our healing community.

  • Healing Milieu

    Recovery Cafés offer healing milieus signaling to Members that they are known, loved, and matter. Members are welcome to enjoy the joyful, sober space and may read quietly, converse with new or old friends, play board games, enjoy a nourishing meal, and attend classes or special presentations.

  • Serving as a Contributor

    Every Member is invited and expected to give back in some way to help support the community. A fundamental part of Recovery Café is that everyone is asked to share their gifts and contribute in some way to the daily operational needs. This may look like volunteering to help prepare meals (learning new skills along the way), cleaning around the Café, or sharing a kind word or resource.